re·sist·ant [ri-zis-tuhnt]
1. resisting
2. a person or thing that resists.
1590–1600; < MF resistant, prp. of resister to resist
re·sist [ri-zist]
verb (used with object)
1. to withstand, strive against, or oppose: to resist infection; to resist temptation.
2. to withstand the action or effect of: to resist spoilage.
3. to refrain or abstain from, esp. with difficulty or reluctance: They couldn't resist the chocolates.
verb (used without object)
4. to make a stand or make efforts in opposition; act in opposition; offer resistance.
5. a substance that prevents or inhibits some effect from taking place, as a coating on a surface of a metallic printing plate that prevents or inhibits corrosion of the metal by acid.
6. Textiles . a chemically inert substance used in resist printing.
1325–75; ME resisten (v.) < L resistere to remain standing, equiv. to re- + sistere to cause to stand, akin to stāre to stand
weak [week]
adjective, -er, -est.
1. not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
2. lacking in bodily strength or healthy vigor, as from age or sickness; feeble; infirm: a weak old man; weak eyes.
3. not having much political strength, governing power, or authority: a weak nation; a weak ruler.
4. lacking in force, potency, or efficacy; impotent, ineffectual, or inadequate: weak sunlight; a weak wind.
5. lacking in rhetorical or creative force or effectiveness: a weak reply to the charges; one of the author's weakest novels.
6. lacking in logical or legal force or soundness: a weak argument.
7. deficient in mental power, intelligence, or judgment: a weak mind.
8. not having much moral strength or firmness, resolution, or force of character: to prove weak under temptation; weak compliance.
9. deficient in amount, volume, loudness, intensity, etc.; faint; slight: a weak current of electricity; a weak pulse.
10. deficient, lacking, or poor in something specified: a hand weak in trumps; I'm weak in spelling.
11. deficient in the essential or usual properties or ingredients: weak tea.
12. unstressed, as a syllable, vowel, or word.
13. (of Germanic verbs) inflected with suffixes, without inherited change of the root vowel, as English work, worked, or having a preterit ending in a dental, as English bring, brought.
14. (of Germanic nouns and adjectives) inflected with endings originally appropriate to stems terminating in -n, as the adjective alte in German der alte Mann (“the old man”).
15. (of wheat or flour) having a low gluten content or having a poor quality of gluten.
16. Photography . thin; not dense.
17. Commerce . characterized by a decline in prices: The market was weak in the morning but rallied in the afternoon.
1250–1300; ME weik < ON veikr; c. OE wāc, D week, G weich; akin to OE wīcan to yield, give way, ON vīkja to move, turn, draw back, G weichen to yield
Resistant / dobët albanian
مقاومة / ضعيف arabic
I Ngurët / debulu arbëreshë
Ընդդիմացող / Թույլ armenian
Resistant / zəif azeric
Erresistentea / ahula basque
Упарта / Слабая belarus
Устойчив / Слаба bulgarian
Resistent / febles catalan
耐/弱 chinese
Resistant / Slabi croatian
Odolné / Slabé czech
Resistente / Svag danish
Resistente / Zwakke dutch
Resistentsete / Nõrgad estonian
Résistant / faible french
რეზისტენტული / სუსტი georgian
Beständig / Schwache german
Ανθεκτικών / Ασθενής greek
Rezistan / feblès haitian creolic
עמיד / חלש hebraic
प्रतिरोधी / कमजोर hindi
Rezisztens / Gyenge hungarian
Þola / Veik icelandicTahan / Lemah indonesian
Resistant / Lag irish
Resistente / debole italian
耐性/弱 japanese
모성 / 약함 korean
Resistens / infirmus latin
Resistant / Vājš lettonian
Atsparus / Silpnas lithuanian
Отпорна / Слаби macedonian
Tahan / Lemah malesian
Reżistenti / Dgħajfa maltese
Resistent / Svake norwegian
Lumalaban / mahina philippinian
مقاوم در برابر / ضعیف persian
Resistant / Słaby polish
Resistente / fraco portuguese
Rezistente / slabe romanian
Стойкий / Слабая russian
Kestävä / heikko suomi
קעגנשטעליק / שוואַך yiddish
Resistant / Słaby polish
Resistente / fraco portuguese
Rezistente / slabe romanian
Стойкий / Слабая russian
Resistente / débil spanish
Отпоран / Слаба serbianKestävä / heikko suomi
Gwrthiannol / gwan welsh
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